Project development of

Nature Inclusive Solar Parks

Development of the planning

After a positive resolution by the municipality, we will draw up the project plan. Together with landscape architects and ecologists, we will look for ways to best integrate our projects into the landscape. To do this, many factors need to be taken into consideration (height of the structures, ecology and vegetation around the park and the fence). These parameters would determine the appearance of the park. During this phase, a survey will also be launched with those living in the immediate vicinity of the project to find out their expectations of the project. It will also be determined during this phase, in collaboration with the local residents, how the financial participation of the neighbourhood can best be achieved.

Construction permit

The application for a building permit can be initiated once the feasibility study of the project is done. In practice, this means that the environmental studies have been completed, the reports have been finalised, the communication with the local community has been done. All these parameters will be translated into a project plan that meets the expectations and requirements of the stakeholders.

Local communication

Identifying all the local community’s expectations a for the solar park is an important part for the development of the project plan and design.