CO2 reduction

Sustainable electricity for large-scale offtakers

Are you a large-scale offtaker of electricity and would you like to make your energy consumption more sustainable? Then get in touch with us! We will look at locations in your neighbourhood to develop a nature inclusive solar park. We can then make long-term agreements with you to supply you more sustainable power. Some examples of such large offtakers are producers and processors of steel, rubber and plastics, producers of chemical and pharmaceutical products and processors of potatoes, vegetables and fruit. 

Making your company more sustainable

Jointly investing in the solar park is also a possibility. Would you like to know more about this option and on how to make your business processes more sustainable? Then get in touch with us!

Local energy

With a nature inclusive solar park nearby, you benefit directly from local energy.

Increasing sustainability

We understand the need for sustainability like no other. We like to think along with you through creative and sustainable solutions.


Make an appointment now

Would you also like to benefit from our knowledge and experience? We would like to explore the possibilities with you! Please contact us: phone: +31 618949278 or e-mail:

Wilfried van Meerveld