Contribution to energy transition

Surface of the solar park

8 hectare


13 MWp


12.000 MWh annual

CO2 reduction

7 500 tonnes annual

Households electrified


Eya Charfeddine


Contact us

+31 618949278

Koningspleij Arnhem Solar Park

Overzicht Koningspleij

In the municipality of Arnhem Sunvest is developing Koningspleij solar park in collaboration with shareNRG. The municipality has far-reaching ambitions to make the city more sustainable with wind turbines, solar panels on roofs and solar parks.

It therefore issued a tender in 2017 for the Koningspleij area with the aim of developing the first large-scale solar park in the municipality. Sunvest, in collaboration with shareNRG, won this tender because of a good combination between high energy production and a good integration into the environment.

Koningspleij solar park is situated between Industriepark Kleefse Waard (IPKW), the Pleijroute (N325) and the Nieuwe Haven. Along the Pleijroute, four wind turbines will also be realised, two of which will be near Koningspleij solar park. The solar project is hardly visible from the N325.

The development of the solar park is almost complete: the zoning plan and the licence are irrevocable and Sunvest has completed the financing. Preparatory work for the construction of the first large solar park in Arnhem started at the beginning of 2021. The first pile will be driven in the summer of 2021. The first electricity is expected to be delivered to the grid in the winter of 2021.

The solar park Koningspleij will be built with a large reduction in nitrogen. This will be done, among other things, by using electrical equipment instead of fossil fuel powered machines.

The project is in the next phase:

Subsidy and funding


Power supply

We realise nature inclusive solar parks

Information about this project


Landscape and nature

Local community


Communication with local residents

Sunvest believes that local residents and the environment always have an important voice in the development of a nature inclusive solar park. In our experience this leads to a better solar park where the neighbourhood actually benefits and can participate in the energy transition.

Koningspleij solar park will have very limited visibility for local residents and traffic on the N325. The solar panels will soon be located in the area that is wedged between the Kleefse Waard industrial park, the Pleijroute (N325) and the Nieuwe Haven.